Gluten Free UAE

Hoping to be of help to all those living gluten free in the United Arab Emirates – نأمل أن نكون عوناً لكل من يعيش حياته خالية من الجلوتين في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

Living Gluten Free

I wanted to make a page just about living life gluten free, and then I realised it just cant be done. There is so much that changes, initially. Its overwhelming, you wonder what on EARTH you are going to eat, you wonder how life will ever be able to be ‘normal’ again. Many go through a stage of denial, many go through a stage of not eating. And then, eventually, there is acceptance, and after that….. life sort of just ‘goes’. A new ‘normal’ begins, and its not long before everything you do is second nature, its how it is, and existing is almost easy. With this site, we hope to get you there, through the denial, through the worry, the feeling sorry for yourself days (did I mention we have brownies in the recipe section?).

There are posts about birthday parties and cooking, how to shop smart, how to bake, or ‘cheat bake’ using mixes, about shopping gluten free for the very first time, and about so many other things. Please note that the menu on the left has sub menus, hover your mouse on a word to see them! Recipes are all in a menu on the right. 🙂

Once you are done here, head over to twitter and find us there, and Facebook, and pinterest, above all, remember, YOU are NOT alone, there are millions of people just like you (way to go making you feel special eh?). All of us have had our first day, our first week and our first shop, we are all in this together, give any one of us a shout if you need help.


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